We (The Lone Ranger Stalls for Time)


        LONE RANGER: Looks like we’re surrounded.

        TONTO: What do you mean “we,” paleface?


That’s an excellent question at a time

like this, old friend. What is anyone’s we

it is the two of us here, you and me?

We bosom buddies, we partners in crime?

Or we in some broader sense — we the people,

citizens united in our sacred

compact, our brotherhood? Why not make

our we more timeless, as in: we who keep

the spark of life alive, miraculous

life, the bucket brigade of generations,

our common heritage going back

to Adam, to Lucy? Why stop there — back

to monkeys and tree shrews, back to the day

when lobefish declared themselves to be us?



© Michael Fleming

Marlboro, Vermont

September 2021


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